I recently also added a print option for some of the free reports upon a reader's suggestion since the pages were not formatted well for printing. With this option, most any part of the report that you'd prefer not to print or save can be deleted. This also works for downloading the reports as PDFs. The buttons for printing and saving the reports are found near the bottom of the generated report page. In June 2019 , I changed the label for the North Node of the Moon to ”N Node”. It was previously labeled ”Asc Node” for Ascending Node but this point is more often known as the North Node these days and too many people were confusing it with the Ascendant. While it's a minor label change, I feel it's significant since it was brought to my attention that people thought the site was giving them variable results, looking sometimes at the actual Ascendant and other times the ”Asc Node” value, and concluding erroneously that the calculator was unstable. This was likely even more of an issue before I changed the label for the first house from ”I” to ”I Asc” in the last year. Bingül: astroloji Bin tane gül.
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Note that profiles are not associated with an email address and are thus more anonymous than typical accounts. It is always a good idea to enter a nickname or cafe astroloji initial (or nothing) as the name for each new entry. Names do not factor into the astrological interpretations in any manner as they would with numerology reports. By continuing to use this site, you agree to its use of session cookies. These are in place only for the purpose of saving charts and preferences, and serve no other purpose. In December 2018 , I moved the site to a new, more powerful server and changed the site to a responsive layout, which was a long time coming. The content remains the same - the only thing that has changed is the ability of the pages to adapt to the screen of a smaller device. If you encounter any bugs or issues, please let me know at [email protected]. Goldenbahis bonuslar.
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